Booking of train e tickets has become very simple and convenient now. Just follow the simple steps and you are ready to travel
Log on to
Create your user ID and password by registering in the website. (First Time Only)
Enter travel and passenger details in simple steps.
Pay on line. We have the widest range of payment options on any site:
Credit Cards : - We accept Visa, Master, Amex and Diners
Debit Cards : - (42 major cards)
Net Banking : - (19 major banks)
Cash Cards : - (ITZ Cash Card, Done Cash Card, I-Cash Card, Oxicash Card)
Take a print out of your ticket or Save Paper by carrying just a screen shot of the e-ticket which you can display in your laptop, tabs or mobile phones.
Carry your proof of identity during the journey. ((Voter Identity Card / Passport / PAN Card / Driving License / Photo ID card issued by Central / State Govt /Student Identity Card with photograph issued by recognized School or College for their students /Nationalised Bank Passbook with photograph /Credit Cards issued by Banks with laminated photograph)
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