We tried our hands at making “Gingerbread” Graham Cracker houses, just like Ashley’s kids did. My sister-in-law tried it with a whole group of kids and said it worked fabulously. The glue gun rocks.
It was a fun activity and the boys ate as much sugar and candy off of their hands as they put on the house.
Off topic but, since we were staying home, I let the boys choose their own clothes completely. Monkey came out with his soccer uniform on, complete with socks and shorts. Bogie chose two green pirate tee’s that had to be piled on together with gray sweatpants. HUH?
This is what you call a Dunbar Sense of Style.
It made me laugh (and then want to cry. j-k.) I’ve got my work cut out for me. Good thing they are good at things like math and physical dexterity.
3 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 can fat-free sweetened condensed milk
All melted together, removed from heat, then added 1.5 tsp of good vanilla extract. Set and chilled.
Oh my word. Pure goodness. And of course since I used the fat-free sweetened condensed milk there are no calories or fat in it. (Right?)
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