Few facts and instructions of JKC so that you can best utilize the opportunities.
They are happy to inform you that more than 2000 candidates of 2010 pass out batch were placed into various MNCs in spite of severe global recession and the placement activity is still on. MNCs are planning to start hiring batch 2011 batch students from October - November 2010.
So the candidates of 2011 batch are requested to be prepared on arithmetic, aptitude, verbal, reasoning, English grammar usage, basic technical skills according to the recruitment patterns of various companies. The feed back from earlier selected students is that lot of practice needs to go into this.
We request you to please follow the below given instructions to be successful …
Regarding Login details of account on JKC Portal
We request all the JKC registered colleges and students to login into their respective accounts on JKC portal (www.ieg.gov.in/jkc) from time to time and visit this portal regularly for all the up to date information regarding JKC activities
Candidates who are not aware of their Passwords may contact their TPO / JKC in-charge (who can login into their college account to access the Passwords of all the registered students from their college)
TPO / JKC in-charge can get the college login details by sending a request mail to ieg.jkc@gmail.com
Regarding Profile Updation on JKC Portal
You are requested to check your profile on JKC account (click view profile) and update if there is any thing to be corrected. Personal details can be updated by candidate through their account.
In case the academic marks details are to be updated, you may contact your TPO / JKC in-charge (who can login into their college and update marks details)
IEG – JKC would short list the candidates for all the JKC recruitment events based on the data available with the JKC portal, so it is the responsibility of the candidate to check and update their profile on JKC portal regularly
Regarding Resume Builder on JKC Portal
You are also requested to build your resume (click Resume Builder) and update all your skill sets in the given service. As and when we get specific requirements from the companies we use this data to short list the candidates. Please be honest in providing this information.
Regarding Online Assessment Tests
All the JKC registered students are requested to take the online assessment tests to be scheduled by IEG – JKC in a given academic year.
The results of these tests would be updated on to JKC portal from time to time so that the candidates can work on their weaknesses.
If required by the client – JKC may even consider the results of these assessments to short list the candidates for the recruitment events with various companies
Regarding JKC Material
All the JKC registered students are entitled to get the JKC material (7 Books and 4 CDs), the materials are issued to the respective college principal / TPO / JKC in-charge. So all the JKC registered students are requested to collect their materials accordingly
Candidates are also advised to practice the content of the material and prepare according to the recruitment patterns of various companies
Regarding JKC ID card
All the JKC registered students would be given an ID card, how ever this may take some time and as these are prepared year wise. Now the ID cards for the 2011 pass out batch are being prepared and would be dispatched to their respective colleges soon.
How ever, IEG would generate hall tickets for the individual campus drives based on the eligibility criteria specified.
Regarding News Updates and Announcement section on JKC Portal
All the up to date information regarding JKC recruitment events, work shops, career opportunities, recruitment results would be posted on to News Updates and Announcements section on home page of JKC portal
The JKC registered college TPOs, JKC in-charges and the students are requested to check these sections regularly
Regarding Communication to be received from JKC
IEG – JKC would also communicate about the recruitment events, career opportunities, Hall Tickets, recruitment results to the respective candidates via e-mail. The e-mails would be sent to their respective mails ID as per the data available with JKC portal.
Often these mails go to the Bulk / Spam folders, so JKC students are requested to check their Bulk / Spam folders also
All the JKC students should update their contact details (Mail ID and Mobile Number)
Regarding JKC Training Sessions
IEG – JKC deputes its IT associates through out the state and they work under the DDMs (District Development Managers of IEG) of the respective districts.
The college TPO / JKC in-charge may request the DDM of their district for organizing the JKC training sessions to JKC students of their college from time to time
Regarding Certification Programmes
IEG – JKC provide the guidance and training to JKC students for doing the industrial certifications like IBM – DB2, ORACLE, Microsoft, MES, SAP etc,
So the interested JKC students can form batches of minimum 30 students and approach their TPO / JKC in-charge in availing this benefit
They are happy to inform you that more than 2000 candidates of 2010 pass out batch were placed into various MNCs in spite of severe global recession and the placement activity is still on. MNCs are planning to start hiring batch 2011 batch students from October - November 2010.
So the candidates of 2011 batch are requested to be prepared on arithmetic, aptitude, verbal, reasoning, English grammar usage, basic technical skills according to the recruitment patterns of various companies. The feed back from earlier selected students is that lot of practice needs to go into this.
We request you to please follow the below given instructions to be successful …
Regarding Login details of account on JKC Portal
We request all the JKC registered colleges and students to login into their respective accounts on JKC portal (www.ieg.gov.in/jkc) from time to time and visit this portal regularly for all the up to date information regarding JKC activities
Candidates who are not aware of their Passwords may contact their TPO / JKC in-charge (who can login into their college account to access the Passwords of all the registered students from their college)
TPO / JKC in-charge can get the college login details by sending a request mail to ieg.jkc@gmail.com
Regarding Profile Updation on JKC Portal
You are requested to check your profile on JKC account (click view profile) and update if there is any thing to be corrected. Personal details can be updated by candidate through their account.
In case the academic marks details are to be updated, you may contact your TPO / JKC in-charge (who can login into their college and update marks details)
IEG – JKC would short list the candidates for all the JKC recruitment events based on the data available with the JKC portal, so it is the responsibility of the candidate to check and update their profile on JKC portal regularly
Regarding Resume Builder on JKC Portal
You are also requested to build your resume (click Resume Builder) and update all your skill sets in the given service. As and when we get specific requirements from the companies we use this data to short list the candidates. Please be honest in providing this information.
Regarding Online Assessment Tests
All the JKC registered students are requested to take the online assessment tests to be scheduled by IEG – JKC in a given academic year.
The results of these tests would be updated on to JKC portal from time to time so that the candidates can work on their weaknesses.
If required by the client – JKC may even consider the results of these assessments to short list the candidates for the recruitment events with various companies
Regarding JKC Material
All the JKC registered students are entitled to get the JKC material (7 Books and 4 CDs), the materials are issued to the respective college principal / TPO / JKC in-charge. So all the JKC registered students are requested to collect their materials accordingly
Candidates are also advised to practice the content of the material and prepare according to the recruitment patterns of various companies
Regarding JKC ID card
All the JKC registered students would be given an ID card, how ever this may take some time and as these are prepared year wise. Now the ID cards for the 2011 pass out batch are being prepared and would be dispatched to their respective colleges soon.
How ever, IEG would generate hall tickets for the individual campus drives based on the eligibility criteria specified.
Regarding News Updates and Announcement section on JKC Portal
All the up to date information regarding JKC recruitment events, work shops, career opportunities, recruitment results would be posted on to News Updates and Announcements section on home page of JKC portal
The JKC registered college TPOs, JKC in-charges and the students are requested to check these sections regularly
Regarding Communication to be received from JKC
IEG – JKC would also communicate about the recruitment events, career opportunities, Hall Tickets, recruitment results to the respective candidates via e-mail. The e-mails would be sent to their respective mails ID as per the data available with JKC portal.
Often these mails go to the Bulk / Spam folders, so JKC students are requested to check their Bulk / Spam folders also
All the JKC students should update their contact details (Mail ID and Mobile Number)
Regarding JKC Training Sessions
IEG – JKC deputes its IT associates through out the state and they work under the DDMs (District Development Managers of IEG) of the respective districts.
The college TPO / JKC in-charge may request the DDM of their district for organizing the JKC training sessions to JKC students of their college from time to time
Regarding Certification Programmes
IEG – JKC provide the guidance and training to JKC students for doing the industrial certifications like IBM – DB2, ORACLE, Microsoft, MES, SAP etc,
So the interested JKC students can form batches of minimum 30 students and approach their TPO / JKC in-charge in availing this benefit
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