
Thursday, December 23, 2010

SASTRA univesrsity rules and regulations for B.Tech. & M.Tech.


Rules& Regulations

(These Rules and Regulations supersede all earlier Rules
and Regulations for B.Tech. & M.Tech. (Integrated) Degree
programmes and are effective for those admitted in the year
2010 and onwards)
1.1 In these rules and regulations unless the context
otherwise requires:
i) ‘Programme’ means B.Tech.& M.Tech.
(Integrated) degree programme,
ii) ‘Course’ means theory and/or practical subject
that is normally studied in a semester, like
Mathematics, Engineering Mechanics, Electrical
Machines, C Programming Lab etc.
2.1 Candidates for admission to the first semester
of B.Tech. / M.Tech. (Integrated) degree
programmes should have passed the final
examination of +2 Higher Secondary Course in
the academic stream (with Mathematics, Physics
and Chemistry as subjects of study) or vocational
stream (with Mathematics as one of the
subjects of study) conducted by the Board of
Secondary Education, Government of Tamil Nadu
or an Examination of any other authority
accepted by the Board of Management of
SASTRA as equivalent thereto. They shall
also satisfy the conditions regarding the
minimum marks, age and physical fitness as may
be prescribed by the Board of Management of
SASTRA, from time to time.
2.2 Candidates who have passed the Diploma in
Engineering and Technology Examinations
conducted by the State Board of Technical Education
of Govt. of Tamil Nadu or an examination of any
other authority recognised by the Board of
Management of SASTRA as equivalent thereto,
are eligible to join the third semester (II year) of
B.Tech. programme under Lateral Entry Scheme.
They also shall satisfy the conditions regarding the
minimum marks, age and physical fitness as may
be prescribed by the Board of Management of
SASTRA from time to time.
2.3 Candidates who have passed the B.Sc. Degree
Examinations conducted by the Universities in Tamil
Nadu or an examination of any other authority
recognised by the Board of Management of
SASTRA as equivalent thereto, are also eligible
to join the third semester (II year) of B.Tech.
programme under Lateral Entry Scheme. They also
shall satisfy the conditions regarding the minimum
marks, age and physical fitness as may be
prescribed by the Board of Management of SASTRA
from time to time.
3.1 The undergraduate programme leading to the
Degree of Bachelor of Technology shall extend
over a period of 8 semesters (4 academic years).
3.2 The integrated programme leading to the degree of
Master of Technology shall extend over a period of
10 semesters (5 academic years).
3.3 Each semester shall normally consist of 90
working days followed by practical examination and
end semester theory examinations.
3.4 For those admitted under Lateral Entry Schemes
the duration of the undergraduate B.Tech. degree
programme shall be six semesters (i.e) 3rd to 8th
semester of the regular programme.
3.5 A student admitted to B.Tech. programme is eligible
to get B.Tech. (Hons.) degree, subject to the
conditions specified in para 10.4 of this regulation
4.1 SASTRA offers the following B.Tech. / M.Tech.
(Integrated) degree programmes
1. B.Tech. Bioengineering
2. B.Tech. Bioinformatics
3. B.Tech. Industrial Biotechnolgy
4. B.Tech. Chemical Engineering
5. B.Tech. Civil Engineering
6. B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering
7. B.Tech. Electronics & Communication Engineering
8. B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engineering
9. B.Tech. Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
10. B.Tech. Information & Communication Technology
11. B.Tech. Information Technology
12. B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering
13. B.Tech. Mechatronics
14. M.Tech. Advanced Manufacturing (5 year integrated)
15. M.Tech. Automobile Engineering (5 year integrated)
16. M.Tech. Communication Systems (5 year integrated)
17. M.Tech. Construction Engineering & Management
(5 year integrated)
18. M.Tech. Industrial Biotechnology (5 year integrated)
19. M.Tech. Instrumentation & Control (5 year integrated)
20. M.Tech. Medical Nanotechnology (5 year integrated)
21. M.Tech. Power Systems (5 year integrated)
22. M.Tech. Structural Engineering (5 year integrated)
4.2 The courses of study and credits for each of the
semesters of the various B.Tech./M.Tech.
(Integrated) degree programmes are given in the
relevant syllabus books.
5.1 To be eligible to receive a B.Tech. / M.Tech.
(Integrated) degree a student should have
successfully completed a minimum of 234 and 288
credits resepectively.
5.2 Each course, has a certain number of credits
assigned to it depending upon its lecture, tutorial
and laboratory contact periods in a week.
5.3 There are mainly two types of courses that a student
has to undergo; lecture courses and practical
courses. The practical courses shall include
laboratories, workshops and drawing classes.
Every course has been assigned a certain number
of credits according to the following pattern :
a) one credit for each lecture period per week
b) one credit for each tutorial period per week
c) two credits for each practical/drawing session
of 3 periods per week
d) one credit for each practical session of 2
periods per week
e) B.Tech. project work in the final year will be
for 9 credits
f) M.Tech. (Integrated) project work in the final
year will be for 12 credits.
Credits for mini project work, seminar and field
visits are separately given for the various B.Tech.
degree programmes in the syllabus books.
5.4 The courses offered for the various B.Tech./
M.Tech. (Integrated) degree programmes are
categorised as follows:
a) Core courses are compulsory courses
identified by each Department, which give a
broad base in the main field of study in the
academic programme concerned and the
number of credits can vary from 108 to 116
b) Dissertation, project and design courses where
special emphasis is laid on the application
of knowledge to real time problems
c) Departmental elective courses offered by the
concerned Department for a minimum of 36
d) Open elective courses offered by other
Departments of SASTRA for 12 credits
The number of core courses, Departmental electives
and open elective courses are given in the sylabus
books of the B.Tech. / M.Tech. (Integrated) Degree
6.0 COMPLETION OF B.Tech. / M.Tech. (Integrated)
6.1. A student earns credits by passing courses
every semester. A student, who has registered
for B.Tech. degree programme, has to earn a
minimum of 234 credits to be eligible for the
award of the degree.
6.2 A student, who has registered for M.Tech.
(Integrated) degree programme, has to earn a
minimum of 288 credits to be eligible for the
award of the degree.
6.3 The courses will be offered in semester pattern
right from the first year. For each course that
the student is undergoing during a semester,
there is a Continuous Internal Assessment
(CIA) mark, for a maximum of 50 marks,
based on the student’s performance in the three
monthly tests, seminar, quiz, assignment etc.
There will be one examination of 3 hours duration
at the end of the semester for each credited
course. End-semester examination of laboratory
courses will be of 3 hours duration and will be
conducted immediately after completion of the
course work.
6.4 A letter grade, corresponding to the marks secured
by the student is awarded for each course for
which a student has registered. On obtaining a
pass grade, the student accumulates the course
credits as earned credits. A student’s performance
is measured by the number of credits that the
student has earned and the weighted grade point
6.5 A student admitted as per rule 2.1 should complete
the B.Tech. Programme within a period of seven
years from the date of admission.
6.6 A student admitted as per rule 2.1 should complete
the M.Tech.(Integrated) Programme within a
period of eight years from the date of admission.
6.7 A student admitted as per rule 2.2 or 2.3 should
complete the B.Tech.programme within a period
of six years from the date of admission.
7.1 Normally odd semester classes will be conducted
from July to November of the year. The regular
examinations for odd semester courses will be
conducted during November - December
(November examination) of the year. Similarly,
even semester classes will be conducted during
December - April. The regular examinations for
even semester courses will be conducted during
May - June (May examination) of the year. The
arrear examinations for odd and even semester
courses will be conducted during the November
& May examinations. Students have to register
for the regular as well as all the standing arrear
subjects in both the end semester examinations.
The summer term special examination (to be
conducted after the even semester May
examinations results are announced) during June
- July is restricted to the 8th semester subjects for
B.Tech. and 10th semester subjects for M.Tech.
(Integrated) students.
8.1 Students must attend every lecture, tutorial and
practical class. However, in order to provide for
sickness and such other contingencies, a minimum
attendance percentage has been prescribed for
each course. Percentage of attendance of a student
in a course will be the number of periods attended
in that course divided by the number of periods
actually conducted from the date of his/her
admission and multiplied by 100. A student can
appear for an end-semester examination for a
particular course only when he/she has put-in a
minimum attendance of 75% in that course during
a semester.
8.2 A student should necessarily register for the endsemester
examinations in all the regular and
applicable arrear courses.
8.3 A student who has put -in an attendance less than
75% in a course during odd/even semester, will
not be allowed to appear for the immediate odd/
even semester examination in that course. In
such a case, the candidate should repeat that
course during the next odd / even semester thereby
losing one year.
8.4 There is no provision for a student to improve
his/her attendance during the same semester.
8.5 Out of a total of 100 marks allotted for each course
50 marks are allotted for continuous internal
assessment and 50 marks for the end semester
8.6 The break-up for continuous internal assessment
marks for any course is as follows:
First test 20 Pre-Lab work 10
Second test 20 Experimental work
Third test 20 and observations
Assignment, Seminar, Quiz 10 Viva-Voce 10
(Best two out of the three tests will be considered)
Total 50 Total 50
8.7 From the three monthly tests, the best two performances
will be considered for CIA marks. The third monthly
test will cover the entire syllabus.
8.8 A candidate is declared to have passed in a course if
he/she secures a minimum aggregate of 50% in
the continuous internal assessment marks and the
end-semester examination marks put together.
8.9 A candidate who does not pass a course in the odd/
even semester examination should register and appear
for the subsequent arrear odd/even semester
examination in that course and pass the same.
8.10 There is no provision for a student to improve
his/her continuous internal assessment marks.
However, after completion of the entire B.Tech.
Programme, for all those students whose CIA is less
than 50% of the specified CIA, in any particular
} 30
course, the score of the candidate in that particular
course in the end semester examination alone will
be taken into account by valuing the end semester
examination paper for 100 marks. The candidate will
be declared to have passed in that course if he/she
secures 50% marks (the grade “D”) or more in the
end semester examination alone. However, he/she
is eligible for the award of only second class.
8.11 A candidate can be debarred from writing the
examinations of a semester for unsatisfactory
9.1 Grades are awarded to the students by
adopting the following procedure:
i) Students securing 50% marks and above
in a course (continuous internal assessment
marks and end-semester exam marks put
together) but below 60% shall be awarded
‘D’ grade.
ii) Students securing 60% and above but below
70% shall be awarded ‘C’grade.
iii) Students securing 70% and above but below
80% shall be awarded ‘B’ grade.
iv) Students securing 80% and above but below
85% shall be awarded ‘A’ grade.
v) Students securing 85% and above but below
90% shall be awarded ‘A+’grade.
vi) Students securing 90% and abvove shall be
awarded ‘S’ grade.
vii) Students securing less than 50% shall be
deemed to have failed and shall be placed
in ‘F’ grade.
9.2 ‘E’ grade (exposure grade) will be awarded to a
student who has absented himself/herself from
writing the end semester or arrears examination but
is otherwise eligible to write the examination. ‘E’
grade will be included for CGPA computations and
will be counted along with ‘F’grade for counting the
number of arrears.
9.3 ‘R’ grade is given to a student in a course if he/she
has put-in less than 75% of attendance during odd/
even semester in that particular course. A student with
‘R’ grade cannot register for higher semester courses
and will have to repeat that course with ‘R’ grade
during the next odd/even semester thereby losing one
9.4 The academic performance of every student, admitted
to the institution, will be evaluated on a ten point
scale grading system. The following Table
indicates the qualitative assessment and point values
of the grades on a ten point scale grading system:
S Exemplary 10
A+ Outstanding 9
A Excellant 8
B Very Good 7
C Good 6
D Pass 5
F Fail 2
9.5 Cumulative grade point average is calculated as
Let ‘Ci’ be the credit assigned to ith course
Let ‘Pi ‘ be the grade point secured in the ith course
Let ‘n’ be the number of courses for which the
student has registered for the examinations.
(C1P1+C2P2+....+C i P i+...+CnPn)
CGPA = ——————————————
(C 1+ C 2 +....C i +....+C n)
10.1 Students admitted to the B.Tech. programme, securing
a CGPA of 7.5 and above shall be deemed to have
passed in first class with distinction provided all the
courses are passed in the first attempt in the end
semester examinations within the stipulated 8
10.2 Students admitted to the M.Tech. (Integrated)
programme, securing a CGPA of 7.5 and above shall
be deemed to have passed in first class with distinction
provided all the courses are passed in the first attempt
in the end semester examinations within the stipulated
10 semesters.
10.3 Students admitted to the B.Tech. programme, who
have passed all the courses securing a CGPA of 6.0
and above will be declared to have passed in first
class provided all the courses are passed within the
stipulated 8 semesters.
10.4 Students admitted to the M.Tech. (Integrated)
programme, who have passed all the courses securing
a CGPA of 6.0 and above will be declared to have
passed in first class provided all the courses are passed
within the stipulated 10 semesters.
10.5 All other students who have passed all the courses
securing a CGPA of 5.0 and above will be declared
to have passed in second class.
10.6 A student who is eligible to be declared to have passed
in first class with distinction as per para 10.1 shall be
deemed to have passed with Honours provided he/she
satisfies the following conditions.
i) The student should study on his/her own four
additional theory courses offered for the
programme as elective or from any other
B.Tech. programmes of SASTRA, approved
by the Head of the Department and included
in the list of honours courses declared by the
University for the respective semester.
ii) The student should register for the end
semester examinations in these four courses
and obtain atleast a pass grade in the first
attempt within the stipulated 8 semesters.
iii) The student should have obtained a minimum
CGPA of 7.5 at the end of the IV semester
examinations and should enroll for the
honours programme within the stipulated
period from the start of V semester classes.
iv) The student should choose one honours
course in each of the V, VI, VII & VIII
semesters from the list of honours courses
declared by the University for the respective
semester and branches.
11.1 Each and every student is expected to register for
two certificate courses of 2 to 3 weeks duration
conducted by SASTRA during the period of his/her
study. The first certificate course can be had during
the first year summer vacation and the second
certificate course can be had during the second year
summer vacation.
11.2 During the third year summer vacation, the student
is expected to undergo in-plant training in an
industry and prepare for his/her ensuing project
12.1 The Academic Council reserves the right to alter or
amend or repeal or annul any or all of the rules
and regulations.


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