The Voice of Reason Broadcast Network is pleased to announce a new program, The Jamie Kelso Show. The show starts Monday, December 21, 2009 and will run Monday through Friday, 7pm to 9pm, Eastern U.S. time.
About Jamie Kelso
Kelso was born in New York City to parents from Nebraska and Missouri of Scottish and German ancestry. He is an Eagle Scout and member of MENSA. He ran for Congress as an Independent in the 5th Congressional District of Missouri in 1976.
He is a former member of the John Birch Society. He is an artist and musician, working in painting, etching, and engraving, and has sung tenor leads in opera, musicals, and lieder.
Kelso first came to national attention when he was featured in a 1960s Time Magazine article on teenagers in the suburbs of Los Angeles.
He was featured in the chapter entitled “The Idealist” in the 1976 book What Really Happened to the Class of ‘65? by Michael Medved and David Wallechinsky, both former high school classmates of Kelso’s. When interviewed for the book, Kelso talked about his early interests in existentialism, his time as a member of the Church of Scientology’s Sea Org, and his later development into an ardent devotee of Ayn Rand and the John Birch Society.
He was the chairman of the May 2004 and May 2005 New Orleans conferences attended by a number of White nationalists, including Nick Griffin, chair of the British National Party; Jean-Michel Girard, Directeur de cabinet des affaires etrangeres of the Front National of France; and Lady Michele Renouf from the UK. Kelso lived at David Duke’s headquarters in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana during this time.
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